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质 地:蜡笔纸本

尺 寸:15×10.2cm

编 号:0508

估 价:80000~120000

成交价:HKD 118,000

吴大羽 无题 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 现当代书画专场 作品号:0508 2017-10-02 15:00

With his distinct and exceptional artistic individuality, Wu Dayu is gaining attention and recognition from Chinese art world. As Mr. Shao Dazhen, the well-known Chinese Painter and theorist pointed out, Wu Dayu effortlessly and skillfully marries early modernist conceptions and techniques with Chinese traditional arts in an organic manner, thereby creating oil painting arts with unique personality and an extraordinary sense of modernity. Encaustic painting (in which Wu Dayu excels), with bee wax as the main ingredient for painting, is a time-honored technique that solves the long-standing problems of discoloration, cracking and pilling off of paints, thereby preserving the artistic charm of the works. However, few artists are engaged in research and application of encaustic painting due to its complicated demands on material and techniques. While Picasso had some works of encaustic painting, Wu Dayu is second to none in representing such art of China, the fame he rightly deserves.
From his brilliant and rich colors we can see and feel with our heart the touching scenes where the painter, leaning by the window, was immersed in observing and depicting the changes of seasons outside during his artistic creation. When the painter is working on abstract modeling, he tends to elaborate extremely quickly and fluently on the canvas the complexity of the world, unleashing the extraordinary flow and leap of modeling. That is why his work is throbbing with powerful pulse of life. His fluent Brushwork integrates the essence of both Chinese calligraphy and that of the western architecture, which fully conveys the integrated elegance and grace of both Chinese and western arts through his unique fusion of modeling and colors. With the glowing passion of his life, Wu Dayu has been on his pilgrimage towards an idealistic world where his soul is set free and his personality finds unfettered expression through his own artistic symbols. It is exactly on this artistic pilgrimage that Wu Dayu creates his abstract paintings permeated with humanistic concern and sentiment.


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邮箱: council@council.com.cn


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  • 中国书画
  • 瓷器杂项
  • 当代艺术
  • 佛教艺术
  • 珠宝尚品
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