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质 地:设色绢本

尺 寸:32.5×33.5cm;32.5×22.5cm

编 号:0559

估 价:40000~50000

成交价:HKD 47,200

王赫 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 现当代书画专场 作品号:0559 2017-10-02 15:00
穿越时空的凝望 — 王赫 《望》

Having been trained in Chinese painting since the age of three, the now 34-year-old artist Wang He loves ancient Chinese paintings since his childhood. Another role he plays is a specialist in copying ancient paintings for the Palace Museum in Beijing. Owing to this job special and mysterious to ordinary people, Wang He is lucky to see numerous ancient works of Chinese calligraphy and painting. Nowadays, when every day changes and new things keep refreshing people’s knowledge, he is experiencing something different and wonderful: with one of his foot out of the modern urban life and another into the huge palace of red walls and high tiles immediately, he immerses himself in the atmosphere of ancient art.
When appreciating ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting, we usually have a miraculous feeling as if we were transcending time and space. As one of the post ’80s generation, he has been deeply influenced by Japanese animation and other pop cultures, and then he creates some unique and fresh artistic experience by appreciating and deconstructing the art of ancient paintings from a young and contemporary perspective. While bringing the cultural element in the new age and the artistic language more consistent with the features of the time into the creation of calligraphy and painting, the artist gradually establishes a creative method to combine the ancient style and the modern narration.
In this work, the artist replaces the traditional summer holiday subject with a modern narrative form—controlling UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) — so as to arouse modern people’s resonance. At the same time, the element of UAV also gives the viewers a brand-new dimension of observation—to view the Shan Shui landscape in traditional brushwork from above. The artist innovatively created this work in the form of diptych, which clearly presents the unique viewpoint switching: human to object, and tradition to modernism. “We look into each other; the world is just like what it is in our own eyes”, and even the gazes exchanged between the man and the object, or between the past and the present reflects exactly the fantastic sense of transcendence the modern people have when exploring the ancient Chinese art.


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邮箱: council@council.com.cn


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  • 中国书画
  • 瓷器杂项
  • 当代艺术
  • 佛教艺术
  • 珠宝尚品
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