


质 地:纸上水彩

尺 寸:64×49cm

编 号:0901

估 价:咨询价


林飞龙(威尔弗雷多·林) 人像 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 正是此刻——西方艺术私人洽购展览 作品号:0901 2017-09-30 ~ 2017-10-02
Wifredo Lam
Painted in 1938 gouache on paper 64×49cm
Wifredo Lam: Monograph and Catalogue Raisonne,Vol. I 1923-1960 by Lou Laurin-Lam,Acatos,1998,P.262#38.60
Private Collection,France

Born at a pivotal moment in Cuban history just after the emancipation of the country as a result of the Spanish- American War of 1898,Wifredo Lam began his artistic career amidst the cultural rejuvenation and changes that accompany the building of an independent national heritage. A truly international figure,Lam’s mixed background– his father a Chinese immigrant and his mother a descendant of Spanish conquistadors and African slaves– influenced the artist even as he received a formal education in art at both academies in Cuba and Spain. Bridging his indigenous culture with the traditions of European painting,Lam is positioned as an artist that excavated a place for Cuban artists within a eurocentric artistic model.
The demure,yet highly evocative painting,Figure,1938,represents Lam’s early attempts to establish an Afro- Cuban approach to figuration that prioritizes the lessons of abstraction and signification passed down from African folk art over the representative illusionism of European painting. Drawing inspiration from African masks,as did Pablo Picasso,Lam’s efforts to stylize the face according to abstractionist principles marks a turn from Europe to areas outside the continent as sources for innovation.
A sedate palette,the work relies on the power and simplicity of line to produce a charged emotional space. As Lam expertly manipulates parallel lines to create differing forms,the work bespeaks the power of line to communicate form and flesh. Highly capable of fashioning realistic works– he accepted a wide number of commissions for portraits to sustain his stay in Spain after his scholarship funds expired– Lam’s Figure resonates a valiant effort to escape the norms of portraiture and explore new themes in modernism.

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