


质 地:纸上水彩

尺 寸:53.9×40.9cm

编 号:0902

估 价:咨询价


勒·库布西耶 人像 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 正是此刻——西方艺术私人洽购展览 作品号:0902 2017-09-30 ~ 2017-10-02
Le Corbusier
Painted in 1946 gouache on paper 53.9×40.9cm
Private Collection,France
This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Eric Mouchet

Internationally renowned as the forebearer of modern architecture and a reimagined approach to an experience- based encounter between the body and the lived environment,Le Corbusier synthesized his multifaceted tenets concerning modernism across a variety of media. Excelling in architecture,urban planning,design,painting,and drawing,Le Corbusier promulgated key ideas about art at the turn of the century. Central to his ideations about artistic practice,Le Corbusier developed the idea of the modular man– a concept that posited the ideal proportions of the modern man. Though fashioned as a means of ascertaining a harmonious union between architecture and the human body,Le Corbusier also incorporated the Modular into his drawings,creatively fusing his theories on architecture with abstracted figurative works.
Figure,from 1946 underscores the artist’s integration of his theories on architecture with his ventures in drawing. In his grid-like gestures and geometrical approach to anatomy,Le Corbusier charts a distinctly mathematical interpretation of the human body. In sectioning the body within cubic shapes while grafting the figure in simplistic,curved lines,the artist recalls a major trend in European modernism. Alluding to the cubist impulses generated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque,Le Corbusier’s abstraction of the body articulates the increasing desire to upend illusionism– the artistic practice which had dominated European painting– and replace it with simplified forms that could be universally understood. Matching his architectural forms which relied on simplified shapes and organic curves as in his early project Villa Savoye,Figure encapsulates Le Corbusier’s primary motives as an artist and stands as a beacon of high modernism generated in France and implemented internationally in the post-war moment.

法国 私人收藏
此作品附Eric Mouche 证书

勒·柯布西耶在国际上被称为现代建筑学的始祖,他构想了身体如何基于体验与居住环境相遇,并通过多元的媒介综合他现代主义的各项原则。 柯布西耶在建筑学、城市规划、设计、绘画和素描领域都卓越非凡,并在世纪之交传播了重要的艺术思想。 其艺术实践的核心观念在于创造模组化的人像—合成现代人的理想比例。 模组理念作为建筑和人体协调合一的确着方式,柯布西耶还将其运用于素描,创造性地将他的建筑理论融合到抽象的人物作品中。
他的绘画作品“人像”创作于 1946 年,突出展示了艺术家如何将建筑理论和绘画尝试相互结合。 在格纹图示和几何解剖中,柯布西耶通过一种明显的数学方法来绘制人体,利用立方体的形状实行人体切分,并嫁接以简单的曲线,这对应了欧洲现代主义的主流。 勒·柯布西耶的人体抽象隐射了巴勃罗· 毕卡索和乔治 · 布拉克立体派的冲动,表达了他愈发强烈去颠覆错觉的手法和欲望,将恒久统治欧洲绘画的艺术实践,以普世的简化形式取而代之。作品“人像”与依托简化的形状和有机曲线的建筑形式相匹配,概括了柯布西耶作为艺术家的原始动机。他成为法国正统现代主义的灯塔,并促使这一思潮在战后远扬国际。


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