


质 地:纸板上水彩与铅笔

尺 寸:51.1×93.1cm

编 号:0903

估 价:咨询价


大卫·霍克尼 脸谱与面具 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 正是此刻——西方艺术私人洽购展览 作品号:0903 2017-09-30 ~ 2017-10-02
David Hockney
Painted faces and masks
Painted in1981 gouache,pencil on cardboard 51.1×93.1cm
Base Gallery,Japan Private Collection,China

A major contributor to the Pop Art movement and one of Britain’s most famous living artists,David Hockney has helped shape the course of contemporary art since the 1960s. With a wide-ranging career,the artist has worked across media,producing scholarly tomes on art,poetry,and even set design for major theater companies. Hockney takes inspirations from masters such as Francis Bacon and Jean Dubuffet but also studies street graffiti paintings and incorporates it in his works. At the heart of his eclectic interests remains his engagement with Pop Art– a movement that scoured popular culture and media for new content and relevant subject matter.
Best known for his iconic paintings documenting the luxurious lifestyle of celebrity life,David Hockney was immersed in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. Beyond Hockney’s interest in the physical manifestations of the glamour of Hollywood in domestic settings,he also designed stage sets and painted scenes of theatrical performance. Deeply immersed in stage projects,the line between the theater and his studio became nearly inseparable as his career progressed. A clear example of his interest in theater performance and characters,Painted faces and masks transgresses the line between plastic arts and visual performance. No longer adhering to the strict divide that long separated theater and painting,Hockney melds these two worlds and presents a hyper-charged artistic practice that champions theatricality and drama.

中国 私人收藏

作为波普艺术运动的杰出贡献者和英国最著名的在世艺术家之一,大卫·霍克尼帮助塑造了60年代以来的当代艺术。他的艺术生涯涉猎广泛,跨越媒介创作、艺术、诗歌,甚至在主流剧场的舞台设计方面也有着丰富的学术积淀。霍克尼的灵感来自于弗朗西斯·培根和让·杜布菲等大师,但他也研究街头涂鸦,并将其纳入作品创作中。霍克尼不拘一格的兴趣核心仍是对于波普艺术的执着 —以新的内容和相关主题冲刷流行文化和媒体。


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  • 中国书画
  • 瓷器杂项
  • 当代艺术
  • 佛教艺术
  • 珠宝尚品
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