


质 地:板上铅,照片,黏土

尺 寸:139.7×101.6cm

编 号:0905

估 价:咨询价


安塞尔姆·基弗 救生筏 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 正是此刻——西方艺术私人洽购展览 作品号:0905 2017-09-30 ~ 2017-10-02
Anselm Kiefer
The Raft
Executed in 1991 lead,photograph and clay 139.7×101.6cm
Acquired directly from the artist‘s studio
Private Collection,United States

Born in 1945 in southern Germany during the final days of the collapse of the Third Reich,Anselm Kiefer experienced divided postwar Germany firsthand. Across his body of work,Kiefer argues with history,addressing controversial and even taboo issues from recent events with bold directness and lyricism.
Kiefer often builds his imagery on top of photographs,layering his massive canvases with dirt,lead,straw,and other materials that generate a “ground” that reads literally of the earth itself. Within these thick,impastoed surfaces Kiefer embeds textual or symbolic references to historic figures or places; these become encoded signals through which Kiefer invokes and processes history.
This work is a reference to Gericault’s The Raft of the Medusa,which is a tool for survival,as well as an ironic play on nuclear energy. Kiefer has always been interested in the alchemy of nuclear power and the manipulation of the elements to create energy. Thinking back to his most important influence,Joseph Beuys,the idea of “batteries of power” was created through stacking materials on top of each other. Beuys sculptures,stacks of felt or felt and copper or just copper,represented sources of heat or conductivity.
Kiefer is drawn to various,and often unusual,media for their symbolic potency. Using lead in this work has resonance for the artist both in terms of medium and a subject matter. As the base material used in alchemy,he considers it the only material heavy enough to bear the burden of history.

美国 私人收藏

废墟,对于我,是新的开始。有了这些残骸,你可以架构新的思想。它们是新生的象征。- 安塞尔姆·基弗
出生于1945年德国南部的安塞尔姆·基弗(Anselm Kiefer),目睹了第三帝国时代走向奔溃的最后时刻,并亲自见证了战后的德国是如何在这废墟之上步步走向分裂的过程。基弗通过他的作品洞察历史并与之隔空对话,用大胆直接却悲悯诗意的笔调探讨了近代史上一幕幕充满争议甚至沦为禁忌的过往。


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