


质 地:纸上石墨

尺 寸:64×48cm

编 号:0909

估 价:咨询价


马丁·埃德 最终沉默 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 正是此刻——西方艺术私人洽购展览 作品号:0909 2017-09-30 ~ 2017-10-02
Martin Eder
Endlich Ruhe- Finally Silence
Executed in 2005 graphite on handmade paper 64×48cm
Private Collection,China

“I choose subjects that I like but that are also of interest to others. My art is very naive. I don’t make art for the handful of intellectuals,art critics and curators. First and foremost,I make art for the “others”. My exhibitions are not exclusive either,nobody is excluded,everybody is welcome: the intellectuals and the intelligent,although I make art that can be understood by people from all walks of life. This is directly related to my complete conviction that art is eternal.” Martin Eder
Eder paints from photographs that he has taken,which together with his deployment of technique and illusory devices positions his persona at the centre of the narratives. Brought up in Catholic Bavaria,he has spoken of a “fundamentalist
form of dedication” that drives the dark symbolism and fervor of his works. His women are painted in styles that variously recall Botticelli,Cranach,Renoir and Manet,yet his subjects are undressed rather than nude. Their hairstyles,preened and made-up faces and soft-core poses parade a very contemporary attitude; their hallucinatory and claustrophobic predicaments are akin to those of the films of David Lynch. Eder’s works comment on the current health of society and of art,his fetishistic imaginary worlds reflecting the writings of Marx and Freud on the painted canvas. “I’m deliberately exposing myself to criticism that it is exploitation,” the artist explains. “But on the other hand,isn’t arousal,if it’s present at all,a rebellion against death?”

中国 私人收藏



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邮箱: council@council.com.cn


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  • 瓷器杂项
  • 当代艺术
  • 佛教艺术
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