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质 地:数码打印

尺 寸:160×100cm

编 号:0918

估 价:咨询价


维克·穆尼斯 杂志图片系列:女人与自行车,向威廉·德·库宁致敬 匡时香港2017秋季拍卖会 正是此刻——西方艺术私人洽购展览 作品号:0918 2017-09-30 ~ 2017-10-02
Vik Muniz
Pictures of Magazine 2: Woman and Bicycle,after Willem de Kooning Executed in 2012 digital c print
160×100 cm
Nara Roesler Gallery

In Pictures of a Magazine II: Woman and Bicycle,after Willem de Kooning,Vik Muniz recreates the iconic de Kooning Woman and Bicycle using images and text torn out from books,magazines as well as any multiple other sources. In a departure from his previous series,the material Muniz uses here is not subservient to the image. The viewer must work much harder to “see” the recreated painting. The playing field is leveled,image and material have equal importance,and even within the overall picture no specific component is privileged– a tabloid’s Scarlett Johansson snapshot,Klimt’s iconic portrait of Adele,a random bit of text,or a snippet of a Gauguin painting all carry equal weight. This practice reflects modern life with its incessant influx of information,some of it seemingly worthy and some of it seemingly worthless. Western culture’s continuous iteration of updating,overwriting,and replacement leaves an endless stream of garbage in its wake. The content of the stream becomes raw material in an act of renewal. Muniz sees this body of work as a continuation of his Pictures of Garbage series and the portraits he made of the Jardim Gramacho waste pickers. But here,rather than using physical garbage as his medium,Muniz draws from the endless media onslaught of our culture,a recycling of mental “garbage”.
In the act of appropriation,Muniz creates remarkably fresh originals with distinct identities. In culling images that feel familiar,things we may have looked at but have never really seen,Muniz asks us to consider what we have left behind in our voracious pursuit of the new.

Nara Roesler 画廊

穆尼斯把这个系列看作是他垃圾图片系列以及他创作的一幅对在Jardim Gramacho区里捡垃圾的人的肖像的延伸。但是在这里,穆尼斯用我们文化里无止境的传媒垃圾代替了实体的垃圾,寓意着现代人思想上对“垃圾”的回收。


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